Preface (Part II)

In 1987 it was decided, since many of the inscriptions in the St. Kenelm's churchyard were deteriorating and becoming indecipherable, that those in the oldest part should be recorded before the details were lost for ever. That work was published as Part I of this series.

In years to come the newer stones will suffer the same fate. As Joe Hunt pointed out in his introduction to Part I:

"As one looks at the Churchyard today and sees not only many unmarked graves, but many of the memorials indecipherable or fallen, it is within the bounds of possibility that, given the lapse of another three hundred years, the visitor could find an undulating stretch of pasture and grazing sheep, and have no idea that just below the surface 'the rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep'."

This second volume of the series continues the process of recording by concentrating on the gravestones in that part of the graveyard where burials were first undertaken in the 'thirties of the present century. It is shown as section "D" on the plan.

My thanks again go to Joe for his scholarly Introduction, and also to the following members of the Society who have helped with the recording and checking of information: David Copley, Ruth Harper, Mary Holder, June Humphreys, Ann Jackson and Rita and Trevor Sidaway.

Eric Humphreys
August, 1993